Everyone may have their own definition of success.
For this post, we will consider building a residual income that would allow you to quit your current job if you wanted to do so.
First, you need to re-frame the position of representing a network marketing company. You need to become a professional.
Professionals don't throw up every fact about their company all over a so called prospect.
A professional network marketing person basically does these two things:
1 - Presents the information to the prospect
2 - Provides the options
You might try saying this in your own words.
"This may or may not be for you."
"We're going to build this with or without you. We'd love to have you on our team."
If you have not selected a network marketing company to represent, then selecting the right company is an important factor. Although there are exceptions to every rule, here are a few things I believe are important.
The company is at least five years old. Amway is 50 years old. Herbalife is 35 years old.
Why is this important?
Because most companies FAIL in the first two years. Most being anywhere from 80-95% of "new" companies fail in the first 24 months. And of those remaining, 85% of those will fail before the 5th year.
They have a unique and consumable product.
A key factor in your success will be the degree of BELIEVE-ABILITY you have in your company's product or service.
Do you use the product yourself and receive benefit? What a great reference you have to develop the necessary belief.
Do the necessary activities.
Find out what the SUCCESSFUL associates/reps/partners do in your company. Your UPLINE has people making the big bucks. It won't take long to determine who those people are, and which ones are the best trainers. The SYSTEM they use.
It is said that what you say is not near as important as what is DUPLICATABLE. Network marketing means that your success is based on how well you can duplicate the actions that build your team.
Key take away: People are not duplicatable. Systems are duplicatable.
In conventional business, a sales or marketing rep typically receives 100% of what he or she produces; in Network Marketing, you would rather get 1% of 100 people.
You MUST have thick skin.
Your friends and possibly family, those closest to you might not understand your choice.
They will look down on you because of the popular stereotype associate with the industry.
It's a scam!
It's one of those pyramid things.
The people at the bottom just feed the one's on top.
You have to get in early or you can't make the big bucks.
Don't let that affect you. Once you become successful, many will just call you lucky. Some will want to join your team.
The reality of a pyramid is common in all businesses. McDonalds, Walmart, Microsoft, Government, Miami Heat, schools, etc. Actually, those entities make it very difficult for the entry level person to climb the pyramid {called Corporate Ladder~lol} The pyramid is a strong structure. It is used in construction and has all kinds of history.
Conventional Companies use the Pyramid structure too!
The President of a company is going to get paid more than a Vice President.
A teacher is going to make less than the Principal.
The assistant manager is on a higher level in the McDonalds "pyramid" than the newly hired 17 yr old high school person, and will make more money.
So, you agree that conventional businesses are the real pyramid "scheme" where the person at the bottom will make less than the person on top.
In my network marketing company, I can dispell the "myth" that you have to be in early to make the big money in a network marketing company.
Our pay system is based on a binary compensation plan. This means each partner can only have two people on his first level. Anyone else he enrolls would "spillover" underneath these to the 2nd level.
The global health & wellness company I represent is in it's 9th year of business. My nephew began with the company about 2 years ago. He is 23 yrs old and earning well over $ 70,000.00 [Update: April 2014: Alex, now 24 yrs old, will earn over $1.3million this year!]
If that $ 70,000 was "per year", that would be considered very successful in almost any light. But, because of how challenging this industry is due to the above mentioned stereotypes, network marketing has fantastic compensation for those that produce.
My 23 yr old nephew is making well over $ 70,000 per month in residual income.
These numbers have him in the top five earners in the company.
Remember, the company is 9 years old.
It is not WHEN you get into the company that determines your success.
It is what you do when you join.
[I am now ACTIVELY growing my TEAM & OUR SYSTEM is the reason that you should take a sincere & open minded look at this business. It is not a question of "Will it work?".... it is working! My 22 yr old son is now on track to earn over $200,000.00 in the next 12 months. Yes, our systems WORK. Would love for YOU to work with us; we are building it either way. Watch this Video to see if this MAY be for you.]
Find the people in your upline that are making the big money.
Ask them about their system.
Find out what they did and what they do.
Do what they did and what they do, and you will build what they built.
It is SIMPLE to do.
Unfortunately, it is SIMPLE not to do.
Good luck.
If this blog helps you or if you have more to add, please make a comment and share with someone who might benefit.
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